Archive for the ‘removals to bulgaria’ Category


Tuesday, March 1st, 2011
The Bulgarian removal company Moving.BG wishes health to all clients, partners and friends. Today is first of March, and in Bulgaria the tradition is all people to attach "martenitza" - a decoration from red and white strings, which is symbol of health and success. This tradition is very old and dates long before the Christian [...]

Moving to the next year

Monday, December 20th, 2010
Moving.BG Ltd. wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all partners, clients and friends. It was a heavy and complicated year for the removal business, in the end we can say that we are glad to finish it successfully. All indications say that 2011 will be much better year for moving to and from [...]

Moving UK to Bulgaria

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
The moving from UK to Bulgaria is not very old, but already classical phenomenon. In the last years many British citizens bought properties and performed a relocation from UK to Bulgaria. The British citizens are key customers for us, and in the last years we performed many, many removals from UK to Bulgaria. The British [...]

Relocation to Sofia

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria, the biggest city, the administrative, financial, cultural, etc. center of the country. So, if you relocate to Bulgaria because of your business or employers, most likely you must live in Sofia. Our removal company Moving.BG is located in Sofia too, so you can receive along with the perfect international [...]

Relocation to Bulgaria – actual choice again

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010
The five years ago mania for buying properties and relocation to Bulgaria was cooled down. But now the idea for relocation to Bulgaria has its renaissance. It is not a mania anymore, it is argued and rational choice. The people from UK, Belgium, Netherlands, etc. who buy properties and relocate to Bulgaria now know all [...]