Archive for July, 2010
Tuesday, July 27th, 2010
The word shipping has different meanings. Most- likely it is used for transport in container by sea. Many people in UK use shipping also for road transport, and we have a lot of requests for shipping with container.
We do not send containers in UK, our trucks are enough good equipped for transport of personal effects. [...]
Reasons for moving
Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
Hello again from Moving .BG- the Bulgarian moving company.
Moving to the next street, next town or the other side of the world, moving in Bulgaria or whereever - every relocation has a reason. Most likely the reason for a household moving is economical- some places are better for working, living and creating a family [...]
Moving boxes Sofia Bulgaria
Monday, July 12th, 2010
Moving boxes Sofia Bulgaria - yes, mission is possible. Our company Moving .BG sells the most useful sizes of removal boxes in Sofia Bulgaria. We have small removal boxes useful for heavy items, middle size removal boxes for accessories, removal boxes for clothes or blankets and removal boxes - wardrobe type with rack. The first [...]
Moving or not moving
Tuesday, July 6th, 2010
This is the question...
Hello again from Moving.BG- the Bulgarian removal company.
There are different kind of people. Some people live their whole life in one place, other like to go to other places sometimes, and there is a third group- people that decide to relocate their whole life to other place- including business, family, everything. [...]
Thursday, July 1st, 2010
Good day again from Moving .BG
Storage is fundamental part of the succesful removal activity. People need storage of their household goods in many cases- reconstruction of their residence, selling the old and needing time to by new residence, etc. Every second relocation to or from Bulgaria is connected with eventual need of storage too.
Our depot [...]