Moving to Bulgaria in 2013

Happy new 2013 to all. Like all new year, many people will decide to do something new and important. The important step that we can help with is a removal to Bulgaria.

What is the different of this year in Bulgaria? Well, for this case very important are the parliamentary elections in the summer of 2013. Their results will influence the whole politics, business climate and quality of life in the next years.

Most prognosis say, that the ruling at the moment party GERB and the opposition party BSP will have close results. This means high risks of political crisis and instability. The other possibility is coalition with a lot of compromise. Both situations are quite risky for the situation in the country.

Otherwise, in case of some good situation after the elections, we can say that the prognosis are good. Out of the low payments and the high levels of poverty, the economy and budget of the country are stable and with low level of debts. Depending on the acquiring of European funds there are good chances for the economy to rise in the next years.

In cases of crisis, there are still opportunities – the rates of the Bulgarian properties and of the cervices of the Bulgarian moving companies will become cheaper.

So, accordingly to the unstable situation in Europe, in 2013 relocation to Bulgaria is still a good and reasonable choice.

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